WWW Wednesday 7/27

WWW Wednesdays

There is a lot of Colleen Hoover in this post.

So much Coho.

I cant help it, her books are so addicting!

Also I have a goal to read all her stuff this year, now I only have This Girl and Maybe Not to read (I’m not counting It Ends with Us because its not out yet)

WWW Wednesday
 is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What have you recently finished reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What have you recently finished reading?

Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover

I liked Point of Retreat a lot more then Slammed, its still not my favorite CoHo book.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Holy amazing! Why did I wait to long to read this?!?? And why oh why didnt I bring Golden Son with me to Hawaii?!?! Now I have to wait until I get home 😦

Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

I was not expecting to love this as much as I did, honestly this is now in my top 3 of favorite CoHo books, Maybe Someday is my #1 favorite, then Hopeless, and then November 9. Loved this one.

Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

Dee over at Bookish Khaleesi warned me that this one would be even more heartbreaking then Hopeless and I am so glad that she gave me that heads up! I didnt think that it would be possible but it was!!!

Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover

A sweet and cute short story about Six, I loved it!

Zenith by Sasha Alsberg

Overall I felt very meh about this, it was very action packed but because its so short I had no chance to get emotionally attached to any of the characters.

Of Poseidon by Anna Banks

Up until the ending I was also feeling a bit meh about this, it was alright, but then the ending happened and now I am dying to get my hands on the next book. I’m a bit nervous to do so though because I’m having a sense of deja-vu,  last year I read the Ruby Red trilogy and I did not like it, the only reason I kept on reading it was because of the endings, they pulled me in and gave me hope that the next book would be better, I’m hoping that doesnt happen with this trilogy.

What are you currently reading?

All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

I’m only 50 or so pages in and I can already assure that this book is beautifully written.



What do you think you’ll read next?

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


So thats it for this week, what are you currently reading?

Top Ten Things Books Have Made Me Want to Do


July 26: Top Ten Things Books Have Made Me Want to Do or Learn About After Reading Them

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

  1. After reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I wanted to dye my hair blue and tattoo hamas on my hands really badly! I still want to…
  2. Cress makes me wish I was more tech savvy and makes me want to learn more about working on technology
  3. Maybe Someday makes me want to learn how to play guitar
  4. Outlander fueled my desire to go to Scotland (I did an entire Top Ten Tuesday about Book that made me want to travel)
  5. I’ll Give You the Sun makes me wish I had any kind of artistic skills.
  6. I have never read a vampire book and not wanted to be a vampire afterwards
  7. The Hunger Games made me want to learn Archery
  8. If I lived in a fantasy world, I would want to be an assassin like Celeana Sardothian from Throne of Glass
  9. While reading Ugly Love I was thinking about how cool it would be to learn how to fly a plane.
  10. After I read Divergent one of my ex boyfriends and I bought and practiced throwing knives.

Open Road Summer Review

Open Road Summer
by Emery Lord
342 pages
my rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Synopsis via Goodreads:

After breaking up with her bad-news boyfriend, Reagan O’Neill is ready to leave her rebellious ways behind. . . and her best friend, country superstar Lilah Montgomery, is nursing a broken heart of her own.

Fortunately, Lilah’s 24-city tour is about to kick off, offering a perfect opportunity for a girls-only summer of break-up ballads and healing hearts. But when Matt Finch joins the tour as its opening act, his boy-next-door charm proves difficult for Reagan to resist, despite her vow to live a drama-free existence.

This summer, Reagan and Lilah will navigate the ups and downs of fame and friendship as they come to see that giving your heart to the right person is always a risk worth taking.

A fresh new voice in contemporary romance, Emery Lord’s gorgeous writing hits all the right notes.

My thoughts:

Last month I read When We Collided by Emery Lord and I loved it! So when I saw Open Road Summer by Emery Lord on Amazon Kindle for 1.99 I had to scoop it up. I was craving a cute contemporary read and this was perfect for that craving.

First I loved Reagan, she a badass, sassy, and tough as nails character that captured my heart. I love female characters like her, I would want to be on her squad.

Second, the friendship in this book was just perfection, Dee and Reagan were so supportive and understanding of each other. They knew how to help each other without having to ask “How can I make this better?” They are friendship goals.

The writing and story plot was great; the story moved along at a great pace and the intriguing details unraveled in a way that kept you hooked throughout the story. I also loved how this story showed the stress that being famous and in the spotlight puts someone in.

The only thing that annoyed me was how obvious the romance was and yet Reagan kept denying it. I found that to be really frustrating but yet it was something that I could look past because I’ve done something like that, straight up denied having a crush yet flirting with him nonstop.

It reminded me of the song from Hercules, I wont say I’m in love.



Do not read if you havent read Open Road Summer.

Skip Ahead

If anyone has already read this book, there’s a moment with Reagan and Matt at the end that had me dying with laughter because I could see me doing that to someone.

If you’ve read it: there’s a moment involving the two of them and a car. I freaking loved that moment so much. Am I alone in that? Or was unnecessary and overly bitchy?



So if you’re craving a quick summery contemporary novel, I would definitely recommend Open Road Summer

Thanks for reading!

My heart is broken

This isn’t book related but I had so many thoughts and was feeling so much emotion that I had to write it all down.

I’m a newer My Chemical Romance fan, but when I fell in love with that band, I fell hard. They are one of my top 3 favorite bands and I listen to one of their albums every single day.

Yesterday a very cryptic video was released by My Chemical Romance.

A white flag with a black cross billowing in the breeze while the Black Parade played in the background, followed by a date: 9/23/16

I watched it, didn’t blink for a second while it was playing, I screamed when I saw the date and immediately burst into tears, I cried happy tears for so long yesterday. I would think about it and start to tear up, I listened to all the albums as I thought what could this date mean?

As a hopelessly devoted fangirl who didn’t get to go to the last tour, to me this could only mean one thing: The announcement of the long awaited Reunion Tour.

Cue the happy tears.

I have been stalking the My Chemical Romance website for months and for months under the Tour tab it says “Check back soon for more details on the upcoming tour.”

Of course my mind jumps to the conclusion that this date will be the announcement of the reunion tour. Why wouldn’t it?

I have never met another My Chemical Romance fan who wouldn’t sell their soul and plead and beg for just one more tour.

That’s not what that video was about.

Cue straight up sobbing.


That video was just an announcement for an anniversary release for The Black Parade.

I felt my heart break when I read that.

Is it my fault that I got my hopes up?

Is it my fault that my heart is broken?

Do I still feel like my emotions have been played with?


I think that was overall a cruel thing for My Chemical Romance to do. I am not the only one who jumped to that conclusion, I am not the only one devastated. My Chemical Romance still has a high demand and a high fan base and releasing that cryptic video really played with the fans emotions and I don’t think that’s an acceptable thing to do. They know how strong their fan base is and they should have known that the fans would be so hopeful to immediately jump to that conclusion that the bands going on tour.

After all the hope springs eternal.

I have crying on and off all morning, and I cant listen to My Chemical Romance without crying. It kills me to say that I may need to take a break from this until my heart heals itself.

Thank you for reading this. I had to get it off my chest.

WWW Wednesday 7/20

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What have you recently finished reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?


Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor

All I can say about this was that it was a masterpiece! Not quite the ending I was expecting but an ending I was beyond satisfied with!

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

I was highly anticipating this and it was not a let down!

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord

A cute summery and much needed contemporary read. Last month I read When We Collided by Emery Lord and I loved it, when I saw that Open Road Summer was a 1.99 for Kindle I had to get it right away, this one I didn’t love as much as When We Collided, but I still really loved it. I have quite a few thoughts about so I will be posting a review for it soon.

What am I reading now?

Red Rising by Pierce Brown
Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover

Good god, Red Rising is amazing!!!!!! Its just gripping!

Even though Slammed has probably been my least favorite CoHo novel, I still plan on reading the rest of the series.

What will I read next?

I have a big tbr to get through during my stay in Hawaii, I think my next read is either going to be The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss or Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen. A big thing that’s been helping me with getting books read has been following the reading sprints for the Booktube-a-thon.

I’m really excited for this weekend because its the 24 in 48 hour readathon and I know that I can get loads of reading done so I will post a tbr for the readathon before Friday.

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books Set Outside the US


July 19: Ten Books Set Outside the US

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

I didn’t know how I felt about this post, I read a lot of fantasy and most fantasy worlds are set in a different world, so those answers feel like a cop-out to me. It was a struggle to come up with ten real places but I did it!

  1. Anna and the French Kiss
    Okay so for a portion of this story it is set in Atlanta but the majority of it does take place in Paris.
  2. Isla and the Happily Ever After9627755

    Again the main focus is that it takes place in France

  3. Between Shades of Gray
  4. Die for Me trilogy (I haven’t read it but I believe it’s set in Paris)DieForMeAmyPlumRevenants_zps69df363c
  5. Daughter of Smoke and Bone mostly takes place in PragueDaughter of Smoke and Bone
  6. Venom takes place in Italy

    And not only Italy, but Renaissance Italy, my favorite time period of Italy 🙂

  7. The Graveyard Book- LondonTheGraveyardBook_Hardcover
  8. Me before You- England20160229_224048

    I cannot for the life of me remember which part of England it takes place in….I go hide in shame now.

  9. Outlander- Scotland
  10. The Bronze Horseman- Russia

I did it! I didn’t think I was going to be able to without resorting to fantasy worlds but I didn’t have to! Once I started listing a couple a bunch started coming to me.

What was on your list? Do we have some similar answers?

August Anticipations

Welcome to a new segment all about my monthly anticipated book releases! At the beginning of each month, I’m going to post a list of books coming out that I want to get…actually you can probably think of this as a “pre-book haul” since I have no self-control and spend most of my earning on books.
Who needs food?

Beauty of Darkness
by Mary E Pearson
to be released August 2nd

I can’t wait to see how this series will end. I have read and loved the first two books and both had intense cliffhangers.

It Ends with Us
by Colleen Hoover
to be released August 2nd

Time for more heartbreak from Colleen Hoover.

by Melissa Landers
to be released August 2nd

I have yet to read Invaded but as soon as I get back from my vacation I plan on buying both Invaded and United and marathoning them so hard.

by Jay Kristoff
to be released August 9th

This is probably my second most anticipated book for the month (Beauty of Darkness is #1) but after seeing all the ARC reviews, I am pumped…I cannot wait to get my hands on this.

A Torch Against the Night
by Sabaa Tahir
to be released August 30th

I feel weird saying that I’m pumped for this, but as I keep listening to An Ember in the Ashes my love for the story keeps reigniting.

So those are the books I am anticipating on getting in August. I cant wait!

WWW Wednesday 7/13

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What have you recently finished reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What have you recently finished reading?

Dragonfly in Amber 

I did it! I finally finished Dragonfly in Amber!
That ending almost killed me! I cant wait to start Voyager!

Snow like Ashes audiobook

I also finished my audiobook of Snow like Ashes, I’ve been wanting to read Ice like Fire for a long time now but I had forgotten a lot of what had happened. I’m really glad I choose to reread this. I also had forgotten how much I loved the world Raasch had created and Meira is a great character.

What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading Dreams of Gods and Monsters. OMG this book is amazing! I am in love! I’m hoping to finish this today because I have 4 days before I leave for Hawaii and I want to get some other books read and completed before I leave.

Current Audiobook:
An Ember in the Ashes

Since A Torch Against the Night is scheduled to be released at the end of August and I’ve forgotten a lot of what happens in the first book, I decided to do another audiobook reread.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Never Fade
In the Afterlight
Ice like Fire

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…

Top 10 Tues: Ten Facts about Me!


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

1.) I loathe eggs. I seriously hate the smell, taste, and texture of eggs, I just can’t do it.

2.) I have a serious crush on Chris Evans/Captain America

P.S. the bf agreed to my couples Halloween costume idea: We’re going to be Agent Carter and Captain America!!!


3.) Growing up I first wanted to be a lawyer, then a journalist, make up artist, and finally a writer

4.) I have never finished any story I’ve ever written, I have dozens of half-finished stories everywhere

5 .) I love rock-climbing but only at the gym, being outside on a real rock terrifies me.

*that ^ is most definitely not a picture of me…Hell to the no*

6.) This book blog is the first blog I have created and stuck with. About 5 years ago I wanted to create a beauty/makeup blog. I created it and never went anywhere with it. In high school, I had a tiny personal blog where I talked about music, movies, anything else in my life that I liked, except for books. I never thought about doing a book blog back then but I wish I had.

7.) I also wanted to create a travel blog but then I thought that I should probably travel more than once every 2 years….

8.) I am completely camera shy and also have extremely bad stage fright.

9.) I used to drive a green Volkswagen Beetle and I miss that car so much! It was like my child!

Also not my car^ but I do see my car driving around all the time in my town….and I get mad because it’s not me driving it. I can’t help it they’re doing it wrong!!

10.) Growing up I wanted to move to New York City so badly, I even applied to NYU, got rejected and so ended that plan. But now? You couldn’t pay me enough to live in a city.

I’m going to Hawaii!


I’m going to Hawaii for a little over two weeks! My uncle lives on Oahu near Waikiki and he and his girlfriend are going to Japan for two weeks so the bf and I are going to go pet sit for him.

I have never been to Hawaii before, he has lived there for 12 years and I’ve never been to visit before now!

I am beyond thrilled! I have this huge bucket list going on of places I want to go but for the most part, I am going to be parking my butt on the beach and reading/tanning. I feel like you guys are going to be the only ones that will understand how much of my suitcase is going to be consisted of books. Everyone else keeps acting like I’m crazy but overall, reading is my favorite thing to do and I do plan on exploring the island, but I don’t think it’s bad wanting to bring books with me.

That seems like a fairly accurate video.

Thanks to the Tome Topple readathon last month, I’m really wanting to read some more of my big books and since I’ll be there for over 2 weeks I’m bringing a good assortment of books with me. Since I will be reading at the airport as I wait for my plane, reading on the plane, reading on the beach, in the mornings after I wake up and before I go to bed. I’m planning on taking a good chunk out of my TBR pile and instead of bringing a lot of smaller books I’m planning on bringing some bigger ones.

During my stay in Hawaii, there will be two readathons happening: the Booktubeathon is taking place from July 18th to July 24th. Also, the 24 in 48-hour readathon is taking place from the 23rd to the 24th and I definitely plan on participating in that one. I don’t Booktube and I don’t plan to start I’m just planning on following some of the reading sprints.

Aside from Booktube videos, I love watching Whats in my Bag/Whats in my carry on videos on Youtube, so I thought it would be fun to do something similar and show what books I’m going to be bringing and also what’s going to be in my carry on. #becauseIcan

I was really frustrated because I thought that if I could all these books on my kindle then that would save a lot of space for me right? So I looked into it and the Amazon Kindle prices laughed in my face. :/

I refuse to buy an ebook if it’s over 3 dollars, especially if I already own the physical copy and that logic applies to all of these books. They are all priced between $8.99 to $13.99, there is no way in hell that I would ever pay for that. I have a blog post planned to discuss my thoughts on ebooks vs physical copies, so I’ll save some ranting for that future post.


A Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin
Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Tatiana and Alexander by Paulina Simmons
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover

I have a ridiculous fear that I am not going to have enough books. Is that just me? My logic says that I will be on vacation for two weeks, that’s two weeks no work and a lot of time to read, blog, and explore the island. I almost don’t think I have enough reading material. At the same time, another part of my brain is like “Cass, you know that you are not going to be able to read all of those in two weeks” Maybe the brain is right…Maybe I’ll take out one. But just one….there is no persuading me to do anything else.

Honestly, I’d rather have too many than not enough. Maybe that’s just me.

My Carry On: A Hershall’s Supply backpack

  • A Dance with Dragons (This will be my airplane read since it is the biggest one and I have a six-hour flight and also the wait in the terminal so lots of time to read this baby.)
  • Laptop (This is always with me when I fly, it never goes beneath the plane.)
  • Kindle so I have options if ADWD gets too intense
  • Travel Journal (I always keep a journal when I travel that’s not my personal journal, I’ll actually be traveling with three journals: personal journal, travel journal, and my book journal) so many journals!
  • Pencil bag, this goes with my journals of course
  • External battery charger for phones and tablets.
  • my DSLR Camera and a digital camera (There is no universe where my DSLR will go beneath the plane. Nope. It goes in my carry on.
  • chargers (can’t really go anywhere without these)

Kindle books: Because I need options
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Finding Cinderella
Shades of Doon
the Near Witch
Legacy of Kings


Shows/Movies I have saved to my laptop:
Orphan Black S1 + S2
Star Wars: The Force Awakens20160711_065942


I’m leaving July 17!

I am annoying everyone by keeping a countdown going but I cant help it!

Depending on how my days go, I (so far) plan on blogging every day or at least every other day. It all depends I guess on what I do, because if I do have a day of just sitting around and reading, its not very exciting although I could just talk about what I’m reading and add in a picture of a coconut and a butterfly…that might happen.


Have you ever been to Hawaii? What about Oahu? Any suggestions on where I should go and what I should check out?