ABC Challenge: H


Memorable titles beginning with the letter H


Harry Potter

How could I not add this? This was practically guaranteed to be on this list. I’m not a monster. Like many other readers, this series was largely influential to me as a young reader and is one of the books that has really shaped me as a person.

The Hate U Give

This was one of my favorite books of 2017, I devoured it in one day and I have thought about it also every single day since then. I’ve also pushed my grandma and best friend to read it and I’ll probably push it on my mom next. Who else is really excited for the movie yet like you know you’re gonna cry…I am! I’m excited and I know I’m gonna cry.


This is easily one of my top favorite CoHo books, its one that I think about often and one that I really want to reread soon.


Another NA romance that I want to reread soon. I’m not quite what to say about it I loved seeing these characters grow. I just need to reread it and see if my feelings for it are the same.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter H


I had to add in this gem from the Nightmare Before Christmas for obvious reasons.

Hemingway’s Girl


WWW Wednesday 9/26

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

Two Dark Reigns
by Kendare Blake

I was so addicted to this story, I was seriously just flying through these pages because I needed to know what was going to happen next like my life depended on it.

Lord of the Flies
by William Golding

I have so many thoughts about this book and I don’t know where to start with them.

What are you currently reading?

To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee

I am really enjoying this, its a bit similar to Two Dark Reigns (not that they are similar in plot, that is not what I am saying at all), what I mean is that I just can’t stop reading, I need to know what happens next. For sure plan on finishing this today.

Cats Cradle
by Kurt Vonnegut

I think I finally nailed down what my problem with Vonnegut’s stories are, and its that I don’t get the flow of the story at all. I am 40 pages in and I don’t know what the story is about yet, I feel like at 40 or 50 pages in, you should know what it’s about.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Catch 22
by Joseph Heller

I am beyond ecstatic to get to this book, this has been on my physical tbr for a couple years but it has been on a mental tbr for much much longer like I remember wanting to read this back in high school 8 years ago, but I didn’t own it back then. I imagine

The Bell Jar
by Slyvia Plath

This is another book that I’ve been interested in reading for a couple years now and Banned Books Week seems like a good time to finally dive into it.

One of the best things about my tbr for Banned Books Week is that not only am I finally getting to a lot of books that have been on my tbr for years, but I’m also crossing off a handful of books on the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge and that just makes me so happy!

ABC Book Challenge: the letter G


Memorable titles beginning with the letter G

I think Gemina might be my favorite out of the trilogy, its the one I think about the most, I kinda wanna reread it now.

I loved Graceling, it’s been a few years since I’ve read it but I still think about it pretty often.

Girl Made of Stars
This is a recent favorite read, it is so beautifully written. It will make your heart ache and weep, I cried while reading it, and I couldn’t get enough of the story. Loved.

The Gentleman’s Guide of Vice and Virtue
Oh Monty! I love him and miss him. This was a book that definitely lived up to its hype.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter G


Girl From Everywhere

The Girl in the Steel Corset

The Girl on the Train

WWW Wednesday 9/19

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

I completed two trilogies this week! I am beyond happy about that.

Frost Like Night
by Sarah Raasch

I was so ready for this to be over, I found the characters to be so annoying and there were spots where obvious answers were just staring them in the face and they refused to acknowledge it. Super frustrating to deal with.

In the Afterlight
by Alexandra Bracken

Not a bad ending to the trilogy, everything wrapped up nicely, what frustrated me a lot was the arrogance that Ruby and Cole held themselves in. Like they were the only ones ever capable of doing anything. They had massive control issues that were acknowledged by other characters but never dealt with, that was a tad annoying to see.

What are you currently reading?

download (1)

The Two Towers
by J.R.R Tolkien

I think I’m going to take a break from this for a while, my reading is starting to slow down and I find myself trying to push through the story a little, which doesn’t make sense because I am loving reading this, it’s just so dense. I’m currently 1/3 of the way through and my goal is to get to the halfway point and then take a break.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Since I have a feeling that Two Towers may put me in a bit of slump, I want to get to some recent releases that I’ve been excited to get my hands on.

Catwoman Soulstealer

Two Dark Reigns


What are you reading this week?

Banned Bookathon TBR


Banned Books week is taking place between September 23rd through September 29th. I am a huge advocate of reading Banned Books and fighting censorship. You can learn more about the history behind banned books and why reading banned or challenged books is so important on the ALA website. They also have tons of book recommendations, downloads, and lots more.



The Little Book Owl is hosting the Banned Book-A-Thon taking place Sept 23-29th.
This is my TBR for the readathon.


Cats Cradle
by Kurt Vonnegut
Banned because: No official reason has been given but there are themes of man’s madness, science, and religion. 

While I didn’t love Slaughter House 5, I really enjoyed Vonnegut’s writing and I enjoy satire so I’m giving Vonnegut a second chance.

To Kill A Mockingbird
by Harper Lee
Banned because of language (profanity and slurs) 

I never had to read this in high school but I wanted to and just haven’t gotten around to it. I wasn’t able to participate in Banned Books week last year since I was in the middle of moving, I’ve been saving this since then, this book is one of my top priorities for this readathon.

by Joseph Heller
Banned because of language 

This book is my top priority for the readathon and its one of my book goals of 2018. I’m expecting this to be a hell of a dense read, I plan on breaking this up over a couple of days. I’m very interested in the World War 2 setting, I have a feeling that this is going to be very different from any other WW2 book I’ve ever read.

Lord of the Flies
by William Golding
Banned because of excessive violence and language, and my favorite reason from Owen, NC High School (1981) because the book is “demoralizing inasmuch as it implies that man is little more than an animal.

Again, I didn’t have to read this in school and I am interested in it, I haven’t read a novel by Golding before and now seems like a great time.

The Bell Jar
by Sylvia Plath
Banned because of suicidal tendencies, profanity, and sexuality.

I added this because it’s a short book so its here for an option if I start lagging.

The Kite Runner
by Khaled Hosseini
Banned because of sexually explicit content, offensive language, and age inappropriateness.

This has been on my TBR for a long time now and I actually don’t know much about it.

I’m thinking about adding Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl to the TBR just to have another option but we’ll see.

Have you read any of these books? If you have where do you recommend I start?

Thank you for reading.


Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

September 18: Books On My Fall 2018 TBR

Fall is probably my favorite reading season, especially for fantasy or dark story settings. The PNW is known for raining a lot so it enhances some darker atmospheres. I love curling up in my armchair with a hot beverage, a throw blanket, with dim lighting and hearing the rain outside. It’s my ideal reading setting. The epitome of my coziness and what I strived to create in my living room. Trust me when I say I’ve been planning my fall reading list since March. I’ve had a handful of thrillers, dark fantasy, and even one horror book that I’ve been saving for fall.

Girl on the Train

Hocus Pocus: the sequel




The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding

Dark Places and Sharp Objects

Trial By Fire/Firewalker/Witches Pyre


Antigoddess/Mortal Gods/Ungodly

The Archived/ The Unbound

What’s on your Fall TBR?
Have you read any of these?

ABC Book Challenge: the letter F


Memorable titles beginning with the letter F

Falling Kingdoms

As I’m sure you know I love this series so much, it was such a fun series and I loved the journey it took.


Oh Cath! I love her and want to be her best friend!


Its been a year and a half since I read this and I am still conflicted over my feelings for this! Still! I am still not over it.

Fuel the Fire

I was just thinking about how I need to reread this series soon, maybe ill get the audiobooks and reread them that way.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter F

The Falconer

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fellowship of the Ring

Frost Like Night

WWW Wednesday 9/12 but on Thursday

WWW Wednesdays

I don’t know why I’m a day late with this. It’s not one of those instances where I thought I was a day off. I knew yesterday was Wednesday, it’s just that Wednesday and blog post was not lining up in my head at all.

On a separate note, Middle Earth is consuming my soul! I have been reading the books, playing Shadow of War on Xbox, and watching the movies!

That is a lot of Middle Earth! I can’t get enough right now and I don’t want to stop.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

City of Ghosts
by Victoria Schwab

This was so fun! I loved the Edinburgh setting, Cassidy as a character was one of my faves, maybe I’m biased…I loved the photography and Schwab went into how the film is developed.

The Fellowship of the Ring
by J.R.R. Tolkien

I am so happy that I finally read this! This read has been a long time coming, I have owned copies of these books for years. In fact, I own multiple copies; I have these editions pictured, I own a set that’s a bit more vintage looking that I love, and I own an e-copy. It was high time that I read this, and I did, and I loved it.

All The Light We Cannot See
by Anothny Doerr

I’m happy I finally read this, the writing was beautiful and I loved how the stories wove together. I listened to the audiobook and the narrator did a fantastic job. I did leave the book feeling a little anti-climatic.

What are you currently reading?

The Two Towers
by J.R.R Tolkien

Continuing on. Like I said, consuming my soul!

Frost like Night
by Sarah Raasch

I am currently listening to this on audio and I can’t wait for it to be over. These characters are just so frustrating!

What do you think you’ll read next?

Return of the King
by J.R.R. Tolkien

What am I going to do after I finish this? That’s going to be sad for me.

In The Afterlight
by Alexandra Bracken

My next audiobook after Frost Like Night. Excited to finally finish the original trilogy so I can catch up to the Darkest Legacy

Catwoman Soulstealer
by Sarah J Maas

I’m surprised I haven’t read this yet but the timing never felt right.

Thanks for reading this day late WWW Wednesday.

ABC Book Challenge: the letter E


Memorable titles beginning with the letter E

Eleanor and Park

I remember reading this and just feeling my heart ache over and over. I loved watching outcasts who I related to so much fall in love with each other.

Eliza and Her Monsters

This is a recent fave of mine and had to be mentioned here.

An Ember in the Ashes

Of course I had to mention this one 🙂

Every Last Word

I enjoyed this a lot the last time I read it.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter E




An Enchantment of Ravens


WWW Wednesday 9/5

WWW Wednesdays

I think Mistborn put me into a bit of a reading slump. That always sucks. I’m also feeling really overwhelmed by the number of things that I want to read, so this is a really weird slump. I want to read everything but nothing is quite working for me.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

by Brandon Sanderson

Northanger Abbey
by Jane Austen

What are you currently reading?

City of Ghosts, Pivot Point, and the Fellowship of the Ring

My tastes are a little all over the place for me right now but I’m trying.

What do you think you’ll read next?


The Thousandth Floor.