Catching Up and Looking forward

Catch Up with me

Hello Everyone!

Its been a while since I’ve posted anything so I thought I would post about what’s been going on in my life and what’s coming up.

Catching Up

On October 1st I started a new job. I’m still with the same organization that I’ve been at but I’m working for a new department. I was in Executive services for 8 years but the organization is creating a Parks and Recreation department so I moved there at the beginning of the month. It has been a change that’s for sure.

This job is keeping me incredibly busy, I got more emails in three days then I did in an entire month as exec. That has played a huge part in the decrease in my blog posting. In my previous job, I had a lot more downtime and I used it to draft blog posts, listen to audiobooks, even write during NaNoWriMo. Right now though I’m still trying to manage my job tasks and work on time management with my projects…which is something that I’ve never had to do before. So many new things, its kinda cool, but I still feel lost and over my head with my job.


Shortly before I started my job my best friend got a new puppy, her name is Freya and she’s a Shepard/Akita/Malamute mix, she is one of the most precious things. I absolutely adore her, which is good because I’ve been watching her during the day while my friend is at work. I honestly forgot just how much work puppies are and how destructive they can be when they’re bored. Its been a good refresher since Corey really wants a dog but at the moment there’s no way.

I’ve been watching Freya mostly because I own my house and plan to renovate the room that she stays in during the day anyways, my friend, on the other hand, rents her home and would lose her deposits if Freya ripped up a chunk of carpet…true story. Despite loving her, she’s been taking up a pretty big chunk of my time as well.

In more really exciting news, I recently went on a road trip to Boise, Idaho. Kind of random right? Boise was about an 8 and a half-hour drive from where I live, it was so long and such a boring drive. I went through Oregon on the I-84 highway and omg once we passed the Dalles there was just nothing for miles.

We drove to Boise to see one of my all-time favorite bands, A Day To Remember, perform live. It was so much fun, I’ve been a fan of theirs since 2009 and have been dying to see them perform ever since, but I was always missing them in Washington and I hadn’t seen them schedule anything for Washington in years. Finally, I was looking at their tour dates and saw Boise, checked Google Maps saw it was only 8 hours…to me it was doable. I don’t have kids, I had the vacation hours, and Corey knew just how long I’ve waited to see these guys so we decided to go.  

I had so much fun and in all honesty, I was joking with Corey about becoming a roadie for them and going along with the rest of the tour because I wasn’t done having a good time after the concert, I wanted to keep partying and singing. It was such fun and such a good concert, I was in General Admission which is my preferred when I go to a concert. So I was on the floor jumping around and screaming, I loved it. I actually lost my voice for a couple of days from singing along.

10/10 would see them again and would travel to see them again.

I think I’m a Social Butterfly? We had such an unusual week that this is now a running joke between Corey and me. We are both introverted hermits. We generally don’t like going out and would much rather stay home than go out. But in one week we drove to and from Idaho, went to a concert, had family over, hung out with friends, went to a movie, a football game, went out to dinner with family, and drove to Seattle to pick up a family member from the airport.

I’m exhausted just from typing that, I don’t know how I went through all of it. To us, thats an insane amount of things for us to do in a week. I keep thinking about the meme with the guy and the butterfly.

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What I’ve read lately

I haven’t had much time to read lately, which is bumming me out so much. I have read two books so far for October, wish it was more but oh well. I’ve been in the mood for mysteries lately so I read One of Us Is Lying and Two Can Keep A Secret both by Karen McManus. While I enjoyed both of them, I really prefer Two Can Keep a Secret more. It was so good and intense, I didn’t see any of the plot twists coming and I desperately want a sequel. I wish TCKAS was getting the sequel instead of One of Us is Lying, theres totally room to continue on with the story and what happens next.

Looking forward

Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon 

This weekend is the Deweys 24 Hour Readathon and you know that I’m participating. I have a TBR pile that I’m excited about but my goals for this round are a little different. Instead of trying to read ‘X’ amount of books, I want to read ‘x’ amount of pages for each book. Since I’ve been so busy lately and have had to move reading and blogging to my back burners, it’s put me in a bit of a reading slump.
So I just want to use this round of the readathon to jump-start my interest in my favorite hobby. On my TBR I have Renegades by Marissa Meyer, Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski, A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro, and The Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl by Theodora Goss.

Now, there is no way I can read all of those in 24 hours, and I know that. What I want to do is read anywhere from 100 to 200 pages of each and just get my interest piqued.



I am planning on doing NaNoWriMo again this year, after my win last year, I want to try again. Even with knowing that I may not have as much time as I did last year to dedicate, I still think I can do it.

This year’s project is going to be different, and when I say different, I really mean different from anything else I’ve ever done.

I really enjoying writing darker themed fantasy and last year I wrote a Poison Ivy fanfic going into her origin and how she became a villain.

This year, I plan on writing a more lighthearted urban fantasy, I never thought I would say that. This project is currently referred to by me as Project Mystic and is about a small town that is comprised of a witch community. I love the idea of taking the idea of Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls and adding in a strong witch community with witches of various practices,  and then a new family moves to town for the first time in generations. Chaos and hilarious hijinks go on from there. I love the idea and I think it could so funny. I’ve never written a comedy before so I have high hopes for this.

Going to see Marissa Meyer 

During November I also plan on going to Marissa Meyers book signing for Supernova in Tacoma. I am so excited and thats why Renegades is on my TBR for the readathon, I really need to catch up on her new trilogy. I’m so excited for this because I get to meet up with a cousin and she’s coming with me to the signing, so its gonna be a great time.

Well, that’s what’s been going on in my life lately, if you read all the way through to here, thank you so much for sticking with my rambling. I hope to get back on track with managing my time and being able to post more, that way I’ll avoid another rambly post like this one.

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