Creating a TBR based on TV shows

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I’ve been binging on a lot of tv shows lately and sometimes when I consume a lot of a series, it really starts to consume the rest of my life. I always find myself looking for books that are similar to the show I’m enjoying. Today I decided to go with that notion and finally put together a list that I think coincides nicely with the shows.
Now I choose books that were already on my radar/wish list. I also know that in the case of Charmed and Buffy, there are adaptation books and I decided to disregard those simply because it seemed redundant.

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WWW Wednesday 10/30

12 Autumn Moments

My first WWW Wednesday in a month.
I think I’ve finally hit a rhythm in my job where I feel caught up enough to take the 15 minutes to draft today’s post.

I have been in such a slumpy mood lately and I’m tired so I start reading and slowly just fall asleep. So I have just been binging on tv lately and not anything new either. I’ve just been rewatching favorite episodes of Family Guy and Brooklyn 99.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “WWW Wednesday 10/30”

Writing when you’re in a funk a.k.a me right now and NaNoWriMo is right around the corner! 

Someone, please save me from myself!


I have a slight confession, that no one will be surprised by, but I haven’t been preparing for NaNoWriMo. 

 If you read my long rambling post last week where I basically made 3 or 4 excuses about how busy my life became and how I am barely able to handle it, then this really should be no surprise to anyone. 

  Continue reading “Writing when you’re in a funk a.k.a me right now and NaNoWriMo is right around the corner! “

September Wrap Up 2019

Monthly Wrap Up

Well, this is a short wrap up.

I didn’t do a lot of reading this month, I started off feeling pretty slumpy, I still blame The Art of Racing in the Rain. Since I tried to push through that, my reading was very slow and I didn’t exactly choose a book that drew me in and excited me to read. It was another AORITR scenario.

This has also been a ridiculously busy month for me, I went with my best friend to pick up her new puppy and I’ve also been letting her puppy stay with me during the workweek days. I completely forgot how much work puppies are and how I basically can’t turn my back on them for longer than 5 seconds. This is kind of why I have cats, less work in my opinion.

But let’s get into my wrap up.

Continue reading “September Wrap Up 2019”

WWW Wednesday 9/25

12 Autumn Moments

I am in such a mood this week, I’ve been really stressed for the last few weeks and I’ve had a rough couple of days of just getting kicked when I’m down. Because of all this, I’ve noticed that my mood has been like “fuck it” for the last couple of days.

My apathy levels are through the roof so I have this attitude of I don’t care, it sucks and I know that but I just seem to have something

I hate being in this kind of mood and I can never seem to simply get out it, I need to look at like 3 hours worth of Faith in Humanity Restored memes. Its the only way to pull me out of this funk. I just need a good cry and the reminder that some good in the world still exists and I can contribute to it if I JUST CHANGE MY DAMN ATTITUDE. I just hate being in this funk. This kind of mood always seems to affect my reading as well and how I receive that book.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “WWW Wednesday 9/25”

Wrapping Up The Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge

As summer comes to a close and I have to pack away my dresses and pull out the sweaters I figured it would be a good time to wrap up The Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge. I’m very pleased by the amount of books I read and the range in genres that I explored and would definitely recommend the challenge.

Summer Camping Tips

I wasnt sure if I should delete the completed prompts from the check in but I decided to simply change the text color to blue.

Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge

Continue reading “Wrapping Up The Goodreads Summer Reading Challenge”

My Fall TBR

Fall Tbr

Happy First Day of Fall!

Just FYI this post is going to be 100% cliche basic white girl. I apologize but only slightly, now to proceed with an onslaught of cliches.

1. “Ah Fall, my time to shine.”

2.”I am a total autumn person and I love this time of year.”

3.”I love feeling cozy and fall is a perfect and preferred time, where I live it’s not too cold so I get to snuggle with lots of cozy blankets and sweaters, drink massive amounts of tea and coffee, and read all the books!”

4.”It is my ideal reading season because it’s usually pouring down rain and who wants to go outside in the rain? Not me.”

As I was typing this up all I could think about was The Office and Phyllis with her rainy day cliches and now I can’t take this post seriously.

Continue reading “My Fall TBR”

WWW Wednesday 9/18

12 Autumn Moments

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday!

I had a realization earlier this week that were halfway through the month of September and I’ve only read one book! Honestly that motivated me more then anything else.

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “WWW Wednesday 9/18”