Confess Review

by Colleen Hoover
306 pages
my rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Synopsis via Goodreads

Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight and there’s no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.

For once, Auburn takes a risk and puts her heart in control, only to discover Owen is keeping major secrets from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.

The last thing Owen wants is to lose Auburn, but he can’t seem to convince her that truth is sometimes as subjective as art. All he would have to do to save their relationship is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin…


My thoughts:

I enjoyed this far more than I thought I would, the last couple of CoHos books left me feeling a little underwhelmed, but CoHo has an interesting way of writing that successfully keeps me intrigued. I like the way she  slowly reveals a little bit of the mystery throughout the book, I never try to guess what’s going to happen next I just like for her stories to reveal themselves the way they do.

Auburn has to be one of my favorite CoHo leading ladies, I found her to be a tremendously strong woman and liked how she inspired strength in others throughout the book. my heart broke for her so many times when she had to go through the crap that she did, I admire that she would go anything for the people she loved in her life.

Owen was great, I enjoyed his point of views a lot and his style as an artist and seeing where his inspiration came from fascinated me. His character   kind of emphasized that I really like artists. That’s always been one type of guy I’ve always felt drawn to and not always in a romantic way, I always try to make friends with painters, writers, and musicians and so far out of the 5 CoHo books I’ve read I’ve loved Ridge- Guitarist, Ben- Writer, and now Owen-Painter. I think it’s safe to say that I love creativity.

The plot was well done, there were a lot of flashbacks thrown into the story, but they were all clear about where they were in the timeline and I really appreciated that. The ending in the present day, however, left me very unsatisfied, I feel like I needed more closure from Auburn and Owen, but I loved the last chapter of the story, it was perfect I wouldn’t have changed an entire thing about it.

2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,200 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 20 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.


This has been an amazing year! Like any it’s had it’s up and downs, old friendships were rekindled, toxic friendships were let go of, I met the BF, and I finally took the plunge to sign up for college classes and work towards obtaining my bachelor’s degree.

Book wise I read a lot of new to me and read so many new books and discovered so many new authors that I now love and I created this blog here and it’s been such a great year. Thank you to everyone to reads my posts and thank you to all of the bloggers that I have met through here, I’ve met so many lovely people and I can’t wait to see what 2016 brings.

WWW Wednesday 12/30


The Lazy Blogger is back!

Seriously I have been so lazy these past few days, I don’t mean to be it’s just that I’ve been on vacation and blogging and work are the furthest things away from my mind but I’m going to try to fix that.

I thought I would start my efforts with a WWW Wednesday p0st, I have been doing a nice amount of reading but I’ve also been getting distracted by my Xbox One and have been spending a lot of time playing Rise of the Tomb Raider and Batman Arkham Knight. They are so awesome!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What have you recently finished reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?


What have you recently finished reading?

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

I loved this book so much! It was so cutesy and adorable and sweet and I could go on and on about it, it was so good! I immediately had to go out and buy then read and devour

P.S. I Still Love You

Ahh more cutesy and more adorableness! Loved.

I also finished

Happily Ever After by Keira Cass

I liked this well enough, I found some parts of the book to be a bit slow but still ended up enjoying it.

Carry On

Finally finished this! Again I have mixed feelings about this and I won’t go into it here but I’ll be posting my thoughts on it real soon.


What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading Frozen Tides

I’m only about 40 pages in so far so I can’t say much yet but I wish I had reread Gathering Darkness, it been about 4 months since I’ve read it so my memories about what previously happened are coming back a bit slowly.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Once I finish Frozen Tides I will be two books away from reading 150 books in 2015, I want to make that 150 so I plan on picking up

Deathnote volumes 5 and 6

I want to make that 150 happen!


So those are my reading plans for today and tomorrow.

What are you currently reading? Did you meet your reading challenge for 2015?

‘Tis the Season Book tag!

I was tagged by Arianna at The Daydreaming Bookworm thank you for tagging me Arianna!


1. Do you have a favorite winter read?

*thoughts going on in my head* Don’t say Harry Potter Don’t say Harry Potter Don’t say Harry Potter everyone else has….GAH I wanna say Harry Potter!  

I’m actually going to go with the Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet, it’s one of my favorite books to curl up with and reread.


2. Find a book with blue on the cover!



Pretty blue! I can’t wait to read this!

3. Find a book you’d use as the star on a Christmas tree!


Gorgeous cover! I would put this at the top of my tree!

4. Pick one fictional place that would be perfect for a winter vacation!


Hogwarts! I want to go here so badly!

5. Pick one fictional character you’d take with you on your winter vacation


Celeana from Throne of Glass, we could spend time kicking back and reading or go shopping, sounds good to me!

6. Name one book on your wish list this year!


I want to read this so bad and I want the pretty hard back edition even if Lair of Dreams won’t match it :/

7. Favorite holiday drink, treat, & movie?

DRINK: Peppermint tea 


TREAT: Molasses Cookies 


MOVIE: Nightmare Before Christmas! 



I tag:

Lizzy at My Little Book Blog

Ashleigh at A Frolic Through Fiction

Lauren at Drifting Lexi

Dee at The Bookish Khaleesi

WWW Wednesday 12/23

So this week I’ve been a little slumpy after last weeks binge, so I haven’t been pushing myself too hard, also, Christmas Party Time has started so I haven’t even had that much time to even read, I’ve had family parties to go to and when I finally get home I’m so tired I just collapse in bed still holding my book.

But that’s all going to change because today is my last day of work until January 4th! YAY! I love Winter Break. I plan on sleeping a lot and reading and catching up on Agents of Shield and Gotham and I can’t wait!


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What have you recently finished reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What have you recently finished reading?

I just finished


Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Confess by Colleen Hoover


What are you currently reading?

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell I’m about 110 pages in and things are getting good!

and Happily Ever After by Keira Cass


What do you think you’ll read next?

Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes and To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han


Thats it for this weeks WWW Wednesday, not a lot of excitement on this end.

What are you reading this week? Are you ready for the upcoming holiday festivities?

Book Fangirling Blog Award

 I was nominated by Rae over at Bookmark Chronicles thanks again for tagging me!


The Rules:

  • Create a post to accept your award.
  • Add the blog award button into your post and put it on the side of your blog as a widget. Visit fangirling for the award button.
  • Answer the questions I have below.
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.


Questions from Rae:

  • Favorite Book Series (nope, don’t say HP!)Throne of Glass!
  • Fictional CrushJon Snow
    images (5)
  • A book that you read this year and would recommend to friendsFangirl
  • A book that you read this year that was disappointingCruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
    I expected a lot more from this book especially after seeing a lot of praise for it, I was massively confused throughout it and a lot of my confusion was never cleared up.
    images (1)
  • First book on your TBR for 2016The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien



My Questions:

What is your favorite genre?
If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you pick?
Who is your favorite fictional villain
What’s a book that you did not finish
How do you like to keep your books organized? Is it alphabetical? by color? etc?

I tag:

Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies
Ashely at Socially Awkward Bookworm
Kat Impossible at Life and Other Diasters
Aria at Aria Stuck in Wonderland
Emma at Emma the Book Lover
Enjoy! If you have already done this then feel to ignore.
Thanks for reading! ❤



Siblinghood of the World Bloggers Award

Siblinghood of the World Bloggers Award

Thank you so much, Victoria, at Victoria Jaynes Books for nominating me in this 🙂

Here’s how it works:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog in your post
  2. Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided
  3. Nominate ten other bloggers (or up to 10)
  4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nominations

Siblinghood of World Bloggers.jpg

The Questions she asked were:


  1. What was the last book you read?
    Slammed by Colleen Hoover
  2. What fictional couple do you wish would break up?
    I hated Gwen and Gideon from the Ruby Red series. Ugh. So much frustration with that trilogy.


  3. What fictional couple do you wish would get together?

    *OMG I was looking for a cutesy Celeana and Chaol pic but then I saw this and just OMG OMG OMG*

    Celeana and Chaol *Runs away from the Rowan’s shippers*

  4. What’s the most shocking thing you’ve read/seen/heard today?
    This isn’t really shocking but chilling, a friend and I were talking about Criminal Psychology and she was telling me about her experiences she had when she worked at a prison.
  5. What one piece of advice will you pass on to your children?
    Violence is never the answer and yelling does nothing to help a situation.
  6. What’s the strangest thing your parents/caregivers have ever told you?

    Honestly nothing really comes to mind.

  7. What was the last song you played?

    Welcome to the Black Parade! MCR!!

  8. Do you have a party trick? If so, what is it?
    Sadly I don’t, I do want to learn how to saber a champagne bottle though.
  9. What post of yours do you love the most?
    Wow! this is a really good question. Probably my December TBR, I love the photos I took in that post and will probably do more like them in the future.
  10. What food do you wish you never had to eat again?
    Well my first thought was Mayo but that’s a condiment so as for food, I’m honestly going to go with pizza, I’d lose so much weight if I could learn to resist that cheesy garlicky goodness. Damn it why do I do that to myself?!


I nominate:

Melanie @ Dat Little Blog

Jane @ Greenish Bookshelf

Arianna @ The Daydreaming Bookworm

Catia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much


My questions:

  1. How many books do you have on your TBR List?
  2. This is kind of a two part so
    Print or ebook?
    If print then Hardcover or Paperback?
  3. Who is your OTP?
  4. Describe your ideal reading area
  5. What was the last fandom that you joined?
  6. If you could pick a decade to time travel back to, what would it be?
  7. What superpower would you like to have?
  8. What is your favorite bookish quote?
  9. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?
  10. Where is your favorite place to read?

Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree This Year


Hello, it’s time for another Top 10 Tuesday! This week’s topic is the Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree This Year.

That is a mouthful to say/type out but here you go the books I wouldn’t mind getting over the holidays 🙂

  1. The Raven Boys
    I need to read this series, I’ve heard nothing but good things about it.
  2. The Divergent Box Set
    Need. I’ve read them before, but they were borrowed and I want my own, I also haven’t read Four yet.
  3. The Diviners hardcover edition
    It’s just so beautiful! Why did they change it?!
  4. The Sweet Evil Trilogy
    I read the synopsis for Sweet Evil and it sounds like a series I would really like.
  5. The Wise Mans Fear
    Book 2 of the Kingkiller Chronicles, I haven’t read book 1 yet, but I really want to.
  6. The Mistborn Trilogy
    I need to read this series already.
  7. The super cool Vault Edition Star Wars companion books with the super cool.

    These are so cool! They give me goosebumps!

  8. The Doctor Who Barnes and Noble Collectable Edition
    Pretty! and it’s the Doctor!
  9. The World of Ice and Fire
    download (1).jpg
    again with the pretty.

For the love of god just give me this already!!!
Seriously I’m about this close *holds fingers half an inch apart* to losing my entire sanity

Dashing through the Snow tag

Thank you, Bree at The Literary Hellion for tagging me! This looks so fun!


1. Name a book you would like to see under your Christmas tree.

I think I’ve said this before but Winds of Winter, I want that book so badly!!!

2. A book you’ll be reading during the Christmas Season.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, and if I finish that then I plan on picking up Ice like Fire by Sarah Rassch. Festive I know

3. Favorite Christmas Movie.

I’m stealing Bree’s answer




4. Do you like snow?


I love snow, from the inside, if I have to go outside then I hate snow with a passion. I don’t like being cold or wet. But I love to curl up in front of the window with a mug of hot chocolate when it’s snowing 🙂

5. Name a character you would like to spend your Christmas day with

Cath from Fangirl, we could do gifts and laze around reading fan fiction

6. To give or to receive?

To give! I love shopping and I will spend hours trying to find that perfect gift.


7. What fictional place would you like to spend Christmas at?



8. Fondest Christmas memory?

Every year I stay the night at my dads house and we wake up early and have coffee with Baileys and then some delicious cheesy potatoes with fried onions and watch my brothers open their gifts, then we hang out and watch A Christmas Story, I always have a very busy day on Christmas and having this chill morning is the best way to start my day

9. Can you say Christmas tree ten times FAST  in a row (pronouncing it correctly!)

Nope and you don’t even want to hear me attempt it lol