ABC Book Challenge: book titles that start with the letter D


I am resisting the urge to make "D" jokes,
I will not make any "D" jokes in this post.

Memorable titles beginning with the letter D

Dear Martin

So I read this back in January or February this year, and I still think about it on a weekly basis. I don’t even know what to say other then its an amazing read, it will drop kick your heart like nothing else I’ve ever read.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone/Days of Blood and Starlight/Dreams of Gods and Monsters
(They all start with D so therefore I’m allowed to include all of them.)

This is one of my favorite trilogies of all time, I highly recommend it. Its magical and inspiring, the writing is on its own level.

A Darker Shade of Magic

I dont even know what to say about this one, I love the worlds.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter D

Dance of Thieves
The Demon King
The Darkest Night



WWW Wednesday 8/29

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

From Twinkle With Love
by Sandhya Menon

This was so fun and fast paced. I just wish there had been more detail about the filming process and also some more of some the side characters.

Van Life
by Sarah Leamy

This was a very interesting read and I really enjoyed it. I have a post coming soon where I’ll talk about the subject of van life more and talk a bit more about this book then.

This Adventure Ends
by Emma Mills

I wasnt a big fan of Emma Mill’s first book First and Then, but I really enjoyed this one. I loved the search for the painting and to see the main character really learn to open up to everyone around her.

by Marissa Meyer

I am so heartbroken because of this book! It was one of those times where you know its coming, you know that this character is not allowed to be happy at all, I was in this higher state of anxiety caught between reading as fast as I could because I need to know what happens next and yet I don’t want to arrive at the sad part.

What are you currently reading?

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson.
I will be finishing this today!!!! YAY!

Northanger Abbey
by Jane Austen

I just started this audiobook today and its only 6 hours long so I think I can finish it today as well.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Pivot Point
by Kasie West

by Jennifer L Armentrout

All the Light We Cannot See
by Anthony Doerr

This is going to be my next audiobook after I finish Northanger Abbey

What are you reading this week?

Top Ten Tuesday Back to School: New Non-Fiction on My TBR


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

August 28: Back to School/Learning Freebie (in honor of school starting back up soon, come up with your own topic that fits the theme of school or learning! Books that take place at school/boarding school/during study abroad, books you read in school, textbooks you liked/didn’t like, non-fiction books you loved or want to read, etc.)

I don’t read a lot of non-fiction. If you look on my Goodreads, I have 14 non-fiction books shelved as read, and all of them have come from the last two years. Non-Fiction has never been something that I reach over. Lately, I have found topics that I am very passionate about and have been trying to find books on those topics or memoirs of people that I really admire.

I’ve sorted the list into topic groups so I can talk a little bit more about each topic and I’ve given myself “homework” but since I like these topics it won’t be as bad as actual homework.

Here we go-Newest Non-Fiction on my TBR

Feminism has always been a huge passion of mine and one that has grown over the years.


my homework? Keep reading and keep learning about the amazing women before me.
1.) Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett
2.) Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrl Revolution by Sarah Marcus

I have been so interested in Zero Waste ever since I moved into my own house and I want to learn everything I can on this topic.


My homework? Start practicing what I read about to get my life more zero waste friendly.
3.) Plastic Purge by Michael SanClements
4.) Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson

Van Life is a newer interest but its also one that’s not going anywhere anytime soon. I am in love with the idea of building a camper van and road tripping the United States, it just sounds amazing.


My homework? Find out how possible this dream is.
5.) Van Life your home on the road by Foster Huntington
6.) Van Life: Exploring the Northwest by Sarah Leamy

Bohemian style (life, fashion, home, anything and everything) is always how I see my alter ego, and I’ve recently realized that it doesn’t have to be an alter ego, I can start incorporating it into my life and embrace it.


My homework? Read and see if there’s anything I can adapt, also learn all the proper ways to take care of my houseplants.
7.) The New Bohemians by Justina Blakeney
8.) Urban Jungle by Igor Josifovic

(I’m kinda coping out and lumping houseplants in with bohemian because my ideal bohemian house would have lots of houseplants.)

Sharks have always been an interest of mine, I’ve loved learning about them ever since I was very young and I saw someone reading this during the 24in48 hours readathon, I immediately added it to my TBR.


My homework? I got nothing, just read more about a fish that I like.
9.) Demon Fish by Juliet Eilperin

Holistic health has been a new interest of mine, one that I am very slowly looking into. I’ve been very fascinated by holistic beauty and skincare but for actual health? I don’t know where to start.


My homework? Start here with this book.
10.) Body Into Balance by Maria Noel Groves

What topic did you write about for this Top Ten Tuesday?
Do we have any similar interests?

ABC Book Challenge: C


Memorable titles beginning with the letter C

Clockwork Princess
Crooked Kingdom

I don’t even know what I can even say about any of those titles! They are so amazing and popular and I really don’t think I can say anything original about any of them! Cinder is an amazing introduction to Science Fiction if you’re wanting to get into that genre but don’t know where to start. Clockwork Princess is the best finale I have ever read, I still feel very emotional about that one scene and it’s been 3 years since I’ve read this book. Crooked Kingdom is a fantastic ending to Six of Crows, not quite Clockwork Princess level, but its close.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter C

Cats Cradle
Kurt Vonnegut is an interesting author and I really enjoy his satirical humor. I wasn’t a big fan of Slaughterhouse 5 but I want to give this one a shot soon.

The Crowns Game
Im a little iffy to start this one, I’ve heard a lot of mixed things about it, I even picked it up once and tried to read it but the beginning was a bit slow. So, idk I’ll read it eventually.

The Changlings Journey
I want to read this so badly and I don’t know why I haven’t yet. I think it’s because I have this weird mental image of the conditions(?) that I want to read this. I don’t know how to explain it. A weird excuse I know.


WWW Wednesday 8/22

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

What I Thought Was True
by Huntley Fitzpatrick

I was really bored throughout this story. There wasn’t much to keep you hooked and there was a long time setting up rich vs poor setting, which is ridiculous since its such a common and well known theme.

What Happened to Goodbye
by Sarah Dessen

Again I was a little bored through this, it was another instance where I enjoyed the side characters more then the main characters.

by Jen Malone

You would think reading about someone touring Europe and seeing all these amazing sights would be fun and interesting, but the main character is so mopey ABOUT BEING IN EUROPE, like what? I would love being this tour guide Aubree you ungrateful thing! Also theres a lot of details and Aubrees thoughts that are really slow down the story

What are you currently reading?



Yes I am still reading this.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Pivot Point and Split Second by Kasie West

ABC Book Challenge “B”


Last week I talked about memorable books that started with the letter A; this week will be the letter B.

Memorable titles beginning with the letter B

Bright We Burn
This was a great conclusion to a fun trilogy set in a really interesting time period.

The Book Thief
What can I say about the Book Thief that hasn’t already been said before?

The Bone Season
This was an amazing introduction to a great series, I love the clairvoyant system and all the characters are so fleshed out and realistic.

TBR Titles beginning with the letter B

The Bell Jar
Blood for Blood
The Black Prism
The Belles

WWW Wednesday 8/15

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

Ice Like Fire
by Sarah Raasch

I ended up liking this a bit more than I thought I would. I enjoyed the traveling to the other kingdoms and seeing their cultures, I do love that all of them have a theme. I also really enjoy the way Meera is learning political diplomacy and in a way is teaching the reader how to read between the lines. That said, a lot of the story dragged at many points. All of the characters were very dislikable, but their grief and PTSD were portrayed really well.

The Inexplicable Logic of My Life
by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

This was a great coming of age story that deals wonderfully with grief and picking yourself back up when you feel crushed and lost from the death of a loved one.

by Sarah Dessen

I have conflicting thoughts on this, on one hand, the topic of domestic abuse is very important for everyone to read about and to see how it affects everyone, how people get sucked into them, the way it affects mental health, and how people are afraid to leave. The only thing I didn’t like about this was most of the characters didn’t feel real to me, like Rina and her boyfriends didn’t feel like real people. I also wish that this had been a dual POV between Caitlyn and Cassandra. I would have really liked to see something from Cass.

The Queen of the Tearling 
by Erika Johansen

I am so glad that I finally read this, there was just something about picking it up this time, that just felt like the right time. I believe the last time I read it, I only read to page 85 or something like that and before that to page 50. I was not a fan of the beginning and how perfect the main character is and I’m still bothered by her because of that. Once I got used to the time period it was a little easier, and Kelsea’s passion and care for her people very quickly won me other. I’ve heard amazing things about book 2 so I am going to be reading that sometime soon.

What are you currently reading?


What I Thought Was True
by Huntley Fitzpatrick 

I am reading this so much more slowly then I thought that I would. She’s taken a long time and a lot of pages to set up and emphasize rich vs poor and separation of classes when that is a trope that we are all so familiar that it doesn’t need much set up. There’s also a lot of references and talk about Gwen’s past but instead of building intrigue, its almost weighing me down and kind of making me stall, but I’m almost halfway through so I will be finishing.

What do you think you’ll read next?

What Happened to Goodbye
by Sarah Dessen

My last Sarah Dessen book!

I will be finishing this over the weekend. I am bound and determined to.

What are you reading this weekend?

ABC Book Challenge “A”


What a super fun idea! I saw this on Jacquie’s blog at Rattle The Stars and knew instantly that I wanted to try this out too! I just love the idea of going through the alphabet and my books this way.

Memorable Titles That Start With “A”

There were so many things I loved about this book there was the romance and the seminar class. I can’t remember another book that was set in Utah.

All Your Perfects
I recently read this and really enjoyed this, seeing a husband and wife find their way back to each other and fix their marriage was great to see.

American Gods
This was a phenomenal read! I love everything about the story and all the different mythologies combining together.

Anna and the French Kiss
I loved this romance, Stephanie Perkins writes amazing romances and there was something about the Paris setting that made it feel different from the way other books talk about Paris, there was something refreshing about it.

This was a fun dark angel trilogy that I couldn’t get enough of. There’s a lot of action and a forbidden romance that is super addicting.

I adored this, I wrote an entire review about why I enjoyed it.

Books Starting With “A” On My TBR

The Archived
Across the Universe
Assassins Heart
All the Light We Cannot See

TBR Books that I have not read

Lately, I don’t make a lot of TBRs, however, I do make TBRs for readathons and I’ll make TBRs/goals for the year. A couple of examples are that I’ll make lists of books that I want to read before the year is over or books that I want to read during the summer.

I had this idea to go back through my old tbr lists for readathons, months, WWW Wednesday and journal lists just to compile the Ultimate List of Failed TBR Books. I just thought it would be interesting to see a complete list of books that I’ve meant to read and also, how many times has one book been on multiple tbrs?

Continue reading “TBR Books that I have not read”