Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come Book Review

71vmxUS501LSorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come
by Jessica Pan
publication date: May 28th, 2019
my rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Synopsis via Goodreads:

An introvert spends a year trying to live like an extrovert with hilarious results and advice for readers along the way.

What would happen if a shy introvert lived like a gregarious extrovert for one year? If she knowingly and willingly put herself in perilous social situations that she’d normally avoid at all costs? Writer Jessica Pan intends to find out. With the help of various extrovert mentors, Jessica sets up a series of personal challenges (talk to strangers, perform stand-up comedy, host a dinner party, travel alone, make friends on the road, and much, much worse) to explore whether living like an extrovert can teach her lessons that might improve the quality of her life. Chronicling the author’s hilarious and painful year of misadventures, this book explores what happens when one introvert fights her natural tendencies, takes the plunge, and tries (and sometimes fails) to be a little bit braver.

Continue reading “Sorry I’m Late, I Didn’t Want To Come Book Review”

WWW Wednesday 8/14

12 Autumn Moments

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone is having a good week and reading some great books. I’ve had a wonderful reading week and cant wait to talk about it!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “WWW Wednesday 8/14”

July 2019 Book Haul

The mountains are yearning.

I’ve been doing really well on my book buying lately which is something that I’m really proud of. I’m hoping to get to these soon but I’m such a mood reader that it could go either way. Most of these are sequels too.

Paper and Fire
by Rachel Caine

I picked this up from Half Price Books that day I was stuck in Tacoma for 8 hours, This was about 5 dollars and I figured why not.

The Midnight Queen
by Slyvia Izzo Hunter

Another Half Price books deal, I had been eyeing this book at Barnes and Noble for a while because the cover is just so beautiful and there’s a school setting that sounds like something I am going to enjoy. Again, why not?

The Dazzling Heights
by Katherine McGee

The Thousandth Floor leaves you on such a massive cliffhanger that I needed to get my hands on this right away and now that all my readathons are over I can start this really soon.

Grey Sister
by Mark Lawrence

I needed this after finishing Red Sister and I’m hoping to get to it soon.

Assassins Creed Odyssey
by Gordon Doherty

This was such an impulse buy but I love love love this video game, I honestly can’t get enough. I’ve logged in 72 hours of gameplay. That should tell you how addicted I am. So I had to get this and I’m hoping to really like it so I can check out the other novelizations.


WWW Wednesday 8/7

12 Autumn Moments

I am so tired this week, I feel like a bear getting ready for hibernation because most of what I want to do is eat and go to bed, but I’m also experiencing some insomnia so even though I’m tired, I can’t sleep. Yay. That’s where reading comes in so its all okay. Right?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What did you recently finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Continue reading “WWW Wednesday 8/7”