August 2: Ten Books You’d Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card


August 2: Ten Books You’d Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

This is an interesting and thought provoking prompt.

Please tell me I’m not alone in this.

So while I have a never ending TBR pile… I also have a never ending wish list. Someone please tell me that you are the same way!

Its so bad! Sometimes I get ideas like “Hey I should get my TBR to 150 unread books before I buy some new ones.” A.k.a a book buying ban or sometimes I go through my Amazon wishlist and think “do I really need to get that? Lets go through and delete 20 books or so.” So I’ll do that and, in all seriousness, about 3 or 4 days later I go back and re-add them to the list. *Shaking my head at myself*

Instead of going with the books that are in my amazon cart right now, these are the books I would most likely buy if *basically* someone else paid for. That sounds a little bad…

Ten Books You’d Buy Right This Second If Someone Handed You A Fully Loaded Gift Card

  1. Hamilton: The RevolutionI want this so badly! I don’t know why I don’t just order it on Amazon but for whatever reason, I just haven’t yet.
  2. The World of Ice and Fire by George R.R. MartinThis book is beautiful!!! I flipped through it once at Target and its beautiful and again I don’t know why I haven’t ordered it.
  3. Prudence by Gail CarrigerThis is one of those books that I want to get in Hardback and the hardback is almost $20 on Amazon

  4. The Complete Wreck by Lemony SnicketI started reading this a kid, I read up to book 7 I think…and basically I just got burnt out and never picked them up again. Lately I’ve really been wanting to see how the series ended.
  5. TravelerLast year I read Seeker and I didnt really like it, when I read it I was in a reading slump and had to force myself to read it, but when I start a series I have a strong desire to try to see it through to the end.

  6. The Last StarI haven’t heard many good things about this 😦 I want to read it but I don’t want to buy it…ya feel me?
  7. Bloodline (Star Wars)
    This is another book that’s just a little bit too expensive for me to want to pick up.
  8. House of Leaves
    I’ve read really good things about this book, I’ve seen it at Barnes and Noble and have flicked through it a couple times and while my interest is peaked I’m not in a big rush to purchase it.

  9. S
    Kind of the same with House of Leaves, I’ve heard great things about it, but its a low purchase priority
  10. The Outlandish Companion
    This is one of those books that I’m not sure if I need it, it looks like something that would be nice to have to help refresh my memory but overall, I cant decide if I’m ever actually going to buy this book. But I for sure would if I had a gift card haha

October Book Haul

So many good books have been released this fall, I don’t even know where to begin! I still haven’t been able to get my hands on Rainbow Rowell’s new book Carry On or George R. R. Martin’s Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, and don’t even get me started on how I don’t own the illustrated Harry Potter edition yet.

But regardless of all that I did purchase some new books that I am very excited about


So let’s jump straight in

Six of Crows
by Leigh Bardugo
I am so excited to pick this book up, I’m currently reading the Grisha trilogy and after that I still have a stack of books I’d like to get through before October is over so I’m not sure when I’m going to read this, but I hope it’s soon.

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard book 1 The Sword of Summer
by Rick Riordan

I’m honestly more excited to read this than I am to finish Percy Jackson or to start the Heros of Olympus series. I love Norse mythology, plus you know, Thor and Loki. (Insert heart eyes here)


Ice Like Fire
by Sarah Raasch
Yay! I really liked Snow like Ashes so I’m excited to read this…again not sure when its going to happen but I hope soon


The Rose Society
by Marie Lu
Already devoured this and loved it!
Here’s a link to the post I made about it The Rose Society


Black Widow Forever
by Margaret Stohl
Had to have it. Currently at the bottom of my to-be-read list but I had to have it


The White Rose
by Amy Ewing
Again already read it since it was a pretty short book but I don’t plan on posting a review. I just don’t really have much to say about it, I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it, at the end I felt “meh” about it so I don’t see a point in reviewing it.


Happily Ever After
by Keira Cass
I was so excited to hear that the Selection novellas were being published in a bind up and I had to have them.


by Amie Kauffman and Jay Kristoff
I don’t have the words to describe how excited I was to receive this. There are no words. It’s a beautiful masterpiece!!


Thats everything I purchased in October, I dont think I’m going to buying anything else this month, so yeah thats all I got


I was nominated by Michalah from Cape Town Dreamer for the Book Fangirling Blog Award, thank you so much!

The Rules:

  • Create a post to accept your award.
  • Add the blog award button into your post and put it on the side of your blog as a widget. Visit fangirling for the award button.
  • Answer the questions I have below.
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.

Michalah asked the same questions from Giselle in the post she was nominated in so without further ado:



    I chose Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

    I did not like this book at all and I had heard that it was pretty good and to check it out because I would really like it. But I hated the characters so much there wasn’t anything like able about Veronica or Mackenna and I just thought that too many convenient things would happen.


Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Daughter of Smoke and Bone
I loved this book and so far I haven’t read the other two in the trilogy but I’m hoping to fix that soon, but I loved this book and the way Laini Taylor writes it was amazing but I just didn’t want to read anything else for the longest time afterwards



The only thing that comes to mind is The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black which I just don’t think has gotten the love that it deserves with its diverse characters


Vampire Academy
Can I request that Vampire Academy be redone?


Catriona at Little Book Owl
Kat from Katytastic
Christine from Polandbananabooks


A Court of Thorns and Roses Book 2 Title reveal

Guys, I kind of want to cry right now. Don’t worry they are tears of happiness and fangirling.

A Court of Thorns and Roses is in the Top 3 of my favorite books of 2015 list AND the title of ACOTAR Book two was just revealed and I am just so excited!


A Court of Mist and Fury 

If you haven’t read A Court of Thorns and Roses yet I would highly recommend it, it’s a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and it was so good. So good!! It’s set in this fantastic world and the characters are just so lovable.
I can’t wait to see the cover for this.

Sarah J Maas is one of my favorite authors she writes such amazing characters and builds fascinating worlds, I can never say too many good things about her and about the books that she writes. check out her web page at worldofsarahjmaas

I’m kind of tempted to create a countdown table for when this baby is released…maybe when we get a day release date.

Reading Slumps

Reading slumps ugh I hate those words!
Seriously they are right up there with other scary words like “Book Buying Ban” or “Dentist”

Just ugh

So yeah, feeling like I’ve got a bit of a book hangover right now 😦 this sucks.


Thanks a lot.
Just feeling like I’ve got nothing really to keep me interested in my books right now. Usually, I have a few methods about how to do with a book hangover but nothing is really working for me right now.

Usually, these are my methods.

Continue reading “Reading Slumps”