WWW Wednesday 2/3/16


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:

What have you recently finished reading?

What are you currently reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What have you recently finished reading?

I finished Outlander! Im so happy that I read it and I loved it and while I cant wait to conitnue on with the rest of the series I kind of want to take a mini break before I jump into another huge and daunting book.
I also finished Cruel Crown and my Red Queen audio book. I loved my reread of Red Queen even though I had some issues with the narrator. I felt a little underwhelmed about Cruel Crown, Queen Song was an intense look into Queen Coriane but Steel Scars was just alright. It didnt really add to the story, it was just Farley’s backstory.
I’m finally finished with Deathnote, I’ve had so many ups and downs with the series but I am really happy about the ending, it was better then I could ever imagine! I cannot describe how happy I am to be done with this series.

What are you currently reading?

Most of my books are still packed up due to moving, so I only have a handful of books that I had left out and Ice like Fire is one of them. Besides its about time that I read this anyways.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Until I’m able to unpack my books my options are; Red Rising, The 5th Wave, Ten Thousand Skies Above You, Days of Blood and Starlight, and Dragonfly in Amber. I dont really know what I want to start reading, But I might not have anytime to really read since this the weekend where I can probably start unpacking. So we will just have to wait and see I guess.


2 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday 2/3/16

    1. I feel the same way, I kept thinking about how many books I could have read in the time it took me to read Outlander, and now while I want to read Dragonfly in Amber I have the same thought going on still.

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