The Harry Potter Book tag


The Harry Potter Tag

I was tagged by Heather at The Sassy Book Geek

This tag and all of these lovely Harry Potter themed images were created by Lashaan and Trang from Bookidote!

The only rule of the tag: you cannot use Harry Potter books for any of your answers.


A book where you found the theme interesting , but you’d like to rewrite it.


The Jewel by Amy Ewing could have been written better.


The first book in a series that got you hooked.


Legend by Marie Lu, I was so hooked on that trilogy and I just devoured all of the books.


A book you wish you could have right now.


Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

I need this like right now! I wanna know what happens next!


A killer book. Both senses. Take it as you like.


A Song of Ice and Fire- so many deaths. My poor heart probably can’t take much more.


A book that you found really confusing.


Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley

I spent this entire book just feeling confused af! I never quite felt as I understood what was going on at any point. Mostly just the world confused me but still the story was a little odd too.


Your spirit animal book.


Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Karou is everything I want to be, a talented artist, she has blue hair and is just completely badass!


A dark, twisted book.


I’m gonna go with just dark and the book I pick for that is Vicious since it is quite dark.


A book that surprised you in a great way, reveals to be more than it is.


I’m gonna go with Alienated by Melissa Landers

I went into this thinking it was going to be light, cutesy, and fluffy and while parts of it were all of those, there was a lot more to the story. I wrote an entire review that better explains my thoughts on it.

As per usual, I have no idea who to tag.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I tag any and all Potterheads



6 thoughts on “The Harry Potter Book tag

  1. Love this tag. Love anything HARRY POTTER related, really haha. But the themed pictures are gorgeous!! I need to read Shadow and Bone. It’s been on my tbr list for the longest time 😭

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